Health Benefits of Wine for Women

 There are many ways to have a slim body. Not only through regular exercise, a proportionate body can also can be obtained by drinking wine regularly.

A research was done on 20 thousand women in a Boston hospital. More than 13 years, those who consume wine regularly were able to maintain their ideal body portion compared with women who do not drink wine.

Besides its benefit to making the body slim, there are many other health benefits of wine, according to Betty Confidential.

Because of its benefits, in 1991, red wine sales in France jumped sharply, as reported in French Paradox program which was broadcast for 60 Minutes.

Now, the benefits of wine is widespread across the world. Well, here are some more benefits of drinking wine for women.

• Small chances of having kidney stone problems

• Reduce the risk of stroke

• A study states that women who consume wine in moderation tend to have a long life

• Drinking wine can reduce the likelihood of upper digestive tract cancers

• Anti-oxidants in wine can reduce the risk of cancer

• wine drinkers have a lower chance of developing diabetes

Summary results of this study is based on a research gathered by a wine shop in New Jersey.

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